The Great ´´SAGA´´

Welcome I didn't write these but I do not know who did!

Chapter 1: The Other Simon

The Other Simon, aka The Sye-Man, is the evil long lost deformed twin of Simon Cowell. This monstrous creature is a cannibal among other things.
His left eye, the larger one, is a bionic eye that struggles to fit in its socket, it is able to see in the dark and sees things like the Terminator would (red vision). As for his hair, it's stuck as two horns forever since he is some form of a devil. His ears, shrunk into his skin due to Botox gone wrong. Sye-Man suffered from a very, very, very rare disease that only one person in history can ever get it. The disease makes your eye shrink a little bit each year and expand in width. Sye-Man is fifty-four years old so it took a while for his eye to get where it is right now.
As for his mouth, he took Simon Cowell's place on the X-Factor for a short period of time but no one noticed. His mouth got that shape because he kept insulting bad contestants and not looking so amused. By doing very miserable expressions 97% of the time, his face permanently stuck to it.
As for his chin, he is a very big fan of the American sitcom, Family Guy. He became such a big fan that he wanted a chin like Peter Griffin, the main protagonist of the show. He got plastic balls implanted into his chin. The doctor warned him that they will be forever permanent. Sye-Man took the risk and got an unusual double-chin.
This is 100% fake, for entertainment purposes only.

chapter 2: Taco Bell Lost Taco

I was an intern at Taco Bell at one point, until this happened (P.S. this is not a creepypasta, it was real!) I got to taste new menu items before they came out. One time, they were going to put out a taco called the "Firey 666 Taco". The taco was said to have blood on it. Anyways, I put the meat on the griddle, put in on the taco shell, anf put on the cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and blood. When I took my first bite, something strange was happening to me. I started to take a massive crap. I spent 24 hours in the bathroom. After my long bathroom trip, I continued on eating the taco. I managed to eat the whole thing without going to take a dump. But then, my skin started to turn purple and I was becoming evil. I started to see visions of a creepy Mexican dog. Then I quit my Taco Bell intern job. The end.

chapter 3: Eyewitness News Lavender Town

Eyewitness News: Lavender Town
You are watching: Eyewitness News, your #1 in Creepypasta News.
Lavender Town, pure literal evil capable of mass killings, or poor? Most of you automatically ruled out the latter of the two, but the truth is, they're poor. Here is a citizen of Lavender Town, too poor to afford the basic needs of an inanimate sprite. "We're so poor, we all sold our souls and that of anyone foolish enough to enter this god-forsaken place to anyone willing to take them!"
As you see, these sprites are desperate as poo to get food, water and/or shelter. They aren't just evil creatures abandoned by god, they are desperate people. Also, I'm behind you. *too lazy to put that in zalgo text*

Chapter 4: Super Mario 64 Haunted Cartridge

Dimentio8 has recently received a new computer and bought Minecraft one year later. Dimentio8 checked to make sure if it was haunted. It was seemingly not haunted. Dimentio8 saw a picture of a boy and jumped. He continued the game. He built a house so he could be safe from the mobs. His friend Bowsercrusher came and he had diamond armor. He had two diamond armor suits so he gave him one. The diamond armor faded black and grey so he took it off. Bowsercrusher's armor faded red so he took it off. The duo went to an NPC Village and there were no villagers and the face of Notch would pop up whenever somebody chat. Herobrine's shadow would appear every now and then.
Sometimes when the moon came up the map would set on fire. The players looked like Herobrine when a certain part of night came. Bowsercrusher went to an abandoned mineshaft. Dimentio8 waited at the entrance, but he heard Bowsercrusher scream. Bowsercrusher never came back. Dimentio8 went down the mineshaft and was killed by Herobrine. 20 years later, The re-spawned Dimentio8 and Bowsercrusher tell their brothers to go to the mineshaft. They went to the shaft and died from the monsters. In real-life, the brothers tried to re-spawn, but they failed. Dimentio8 and Bowsercrusher came up the stairs and saw lightning flash outside the window, but before the duo knew it, the brothers turned into skeletons.
When the duo got to the level selection, all of the levels said "YOURTURN" "YOUWILLDIE" "REMEBER NOTCH?" "HIM WAS HERE" "THROUGH THE PAIN IS YOUR WEAKNESS THAT I WILL ATTACK" and "IF YOU LOOK AT THIS, YOUR DEAD TOMMOROW". I selected each level, every one contained Herobrine, the ghost of Notch looming at me or a screamer. Bowsercrusher suddenly grew a beard and aged to about 2,849 years old. He died in real-life after he aged to 10,000. Dimentio8's fingers started to become boney and skeleton like.
His whole right hand turned into a skeleton. Soon his arms turned boney. His legs turned boney. He had to defeat Herobrine before he turned into a skeleton. He saw a new level: Challenge Herobrine Here!" and another one called: "Train To Fight Herobrine Here!" I trained at the training level, got diamond armor, got a diamond sword and made the blocks stronger. My left ear turned skeleton-like. I went to the fighting level, ready to fight Herobrine. Herobrine summoned the ghost of Notch to fight in the first round. Notch's ghost made a code so Dimentio8 couldn't use flint and steel, since it was his weakness. Notch's ghost whispered to me: Play along. I am here to save you.

Chapter 5: Super Mario 64 haunted cartridge part 2(rest of story input in here later)

I want you to defeat my brother, so play along!". I did what he said. Notch's ghost attacked, but he fleed away. Herobrine summoned Screamer Man. The next round was with Screamer Man. Screamer Man made screamers pop up on Dimentio8's screen. The screamers sometimes scared flesh off him so he would transform into a skeleton faster. Screamer Mn was killed after a long battle. Herobrine faced Dimentio8 himself. Notch's ghost was trapped in his own game. So he cheered for Herobrine. Herobrine was very powerful. Dimentio8 spawned Endermen to defeat Herobrine with Notch's power and the eggs. The endermen were powerful. Herobrine took damage. Soon, Dimentio8 spawned all of the mobs to fight him. Herobrine died and the universe was back to normal. Dimentio8 was still transforming into a skeleton, though. But Notch, alive and healthy, appeared seemingly out of no-where. Notch granted him the power to go into a portal to Minecraft anytime. Notch could not heal his transformation to a skeleton. But he healed it with use of a doctor.

Chapter 6:Playstation Suffer

Gaming is my passion, nothing can beat it. But the only problem is I don’t I have a gaming console…until now. Well I just got a job at Sony a couple of months ago as a graphic editor (game creator) and for job reasons I just got given an PS3 for game testing so I had ideas about creating the games which I was RELIEVED about, I couldn’t explain how happy I was about it so I rushed home to set it up. I was feeling better than before, but there was something weird going on, every single word in the instruction leaflet was scribbled out only left with the pictures which thought was suspicious but I just left it cause it was getting late so I went to bed. That next morning I went out to get some games since I didn’t have any yet, so I went to a dodgy looking second hand store with a sign saying ‘Cheap second hand games!’ I couldn’t resist, so I strolled inside to see what there was. Believe it or not the games looked BRAND NEW with nothing wrong with them but they were second hand because they said that on the label (which I didn’t understand). So I went and picked out 2 games and purchased them, but when I left the man said to me in a sinister voice saying’’ Hope you don’t die playing these games(!)MwahaHAHA!’’ I thought nothing of it so I just left the store and headed home. The 2 games I bought were Borderlands 2 and Red Dead Redemption. Since it was my day off I tried out the games I bought. So I placed Borderlands 2 in to the console and started a new game. But something wasn’t right here, EVERY single weapon I got from the chests was the rare orange classed weapon which you hardly get and there wasn’t any enemies in the game either, weird. I thought I would swap discs over because I thought it was just a minor bug that needed resting so I put Red Dead Redemption in to the console, but that was worse…The home screen was bloody and red and human organs were hanging everywhere then all of a sudden a death defying scream came up at full blast in the background and it was the scariest thing I had ever seen so I switched the disc over again to borderlands 2 but it was worse than before. Every word in the game was scribbled out like the manual, and everything had blood and guts hanging from every place possible and every enemy was IMMENSLY hard to kill. I had enough of this so I took out the discs, snapped them in to pieces and burnt them in to ashes but when I got back the manual of the console wasn’t were I left it so I looked inside, nothing was scribbled out anymore but the sentence ‘you will suffer’ repeated through out the whole booklet saying nothing else but that line, but also on the switched off TV was the same sentence ‘you will suffer’ but with blood splattered all over the TV screen, REAL blood all over the screen. I thought it couldn’t get any worse but then a picture popped up on the TV screen, it was the scariest picture I had ever seen, I couldn’t take it any longer so I picked up the PS3 the chucked it at the TV. The TV sparked out but still had the message on so I just collected my stuff and left the house but as soon as I got out the door someone was standing there with a gun to my head and he pulled the trigger and BANG! My life was over...

Chapter 7: Super Mario FX prototype

This is my story of a prototype that shouldn't be. One day, I was snooping around eBay looking for rare prototypes of games. While looking, I found the supposedly mythical Super Mario FX for the SNES (the SNES version of Mario 64). There was always debate whether this game did exist, so I had my doubts. But I still wanted to see what it was because of how cheap it was, which also puzzled me. Why would someone sell such a rare cart for so low? But curiosity got me and I bought it.
When it came in the mail, I did a video about it for my Youtube series, TylerTheNintendoNerd- Tyler Plays segment. The only portion left that wasn't corrupted due to a shotty camera was the beginning, here it is.
This is how the rest of the video went.
When I tried to play it, the SNES would block it out. So I fiddled around with it and finally got it to work. It started with all the legal crap as usual with protos, but then something weird happened.
The start screen was black with the basic title, start, and copyright 1991. So I hit the start button. When it started, the game went to a low poly 3D game that barely resembled Mario 64. The characters were barely recognizable and they looked very odd. Mario had no face, as did some other characters.
I thought this was because it was a very early proto, but then I noticed things out of place: the Goombas had black, souless eyes with what appeared to be blood on their heads. Mario had blood on his shoes, pants, and gloves as if he was stomping and ripping apart enemies.
The music was high-pitched 8-bit tones that somewhat resembled SMB overworld theme. When you would jump, you couldn't do it as high as usual, and if you fell more that what seemed like 15 feet in game, Mario would make a hyper-realistic crunching noise and double over in pain as if he broke his legs. At this point I couldn't move and I had to reset. When I did, it wouldn't let me.
Then this text appeared: "Mario has fallen and broke 8 bones. He died in the hospital due to internal bleeding."
I found the part about the broken bones unsurprising since this game seemed to want to take a realistic aproach, but the part about dying from internal bleeding struck with confusion. How could you die from some broken bones by bleeding internally? Thats when this text appeared...
"A later autopsy revealed that he had instead committed suicide by overdosing on hospital medication, and the internal bleeding was a cover up caused by him first beating himself half to death before ingesting the medication."
I was at a loss for words, and right before I unplugged the SNES, this appeared.
"His brother Luigi commited suicide a week later by means of hanging inside the main spire of the mushroom castle. Immediatly after the evil King Bowser overthrew the Mushroom Kingdom enslaving the inhabbitants."
At that last bit I unplugged the system in revolt. How could my beloved Miyamoto mess up my hero like this? I decided to keep the game on hand, although I refuse to play it or take photo's of it. It is now in the back of my Nintendo collection, so it will not be touched by anyone else.

Chapter 8: Super Mario 666

I was browsing the game titles on Ebay one day. Just looking for anything that interests me until I found this remake of Super Mario 64 for my GameCube. The owner was giving it away for free so I decided to take it. The game arrived in my mailbox 3 days after. Boy was I excited to play some classic Mario. I noticed something strange about the game though. The game box was replaced with a crappy sketch of Mario. Now I knew why it was free. Also the game title was strangely written as well. It read "Sup3r Ma7io 999." I didn't really care though I just wanted to bust this game into the GameCube and start playing. When I got back in my house I ran to my room. I opened up the game box and noticed there was no game manual. Instead a note took the manual's place. The note was in some other language so I couldn't interpret what it said. The rest of my day I spent the time playing Super Mario 64. After I beat the last level of the game I decided to see if I could mess with the textures of the characters since my brother was the best hacker I knew.
My brother downloaded all the characters textures included in the game. In the edition that I got I could play as Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Yoshi. While downloading I noticed something strange in the folder. It was downloading 5 character textures even though there were only four playable characters in the game. The file read "666." I got my brother to look at it and he to thought it was strange. Out of curiosity my brother opened the file (Each file had a picture of what the character looked like) and what we saw scarred our eyes. A twisted looking Mario with one eye missing and a smile that could appear in so many children's nightmare.
My brother out of sheer fear closed the file and asked me where I got the game from. I told him I got it from eBay for free. Before my brother could respond, the computer screen turned black and a text box popped up that read "Type in 666 as name of new saved file to unlock 666." The computer than returned to normal with the files of the characters downloading. My brother started up the GameCube and inserted the Mario game into it. I sat there helplessly watching as my brother did what the mysterious text box to told him to. My brother deleted my saved file because there was only one and created a new one with the name of "666." The screen turned red and the numbers "666" appeared in black. The game world started up and it was all messed up. The background was now red and everything was covered with blood. A textbox popped up saying "Welcome to Hell, this was your mistake."
My brother and I stared at the text filled with fear and shock. The camera then turned to Mario. My brother tried making Mario move but the game wouldn't let him. Every time he tried a textbox popped up that read "You no longer control him." Mario started moving by himself. My brother and I watched helplessly as Mario ran to a pool of lava and jumped in as if it were fun. Mario was playing in the lava, and we had to watch as Mario would just scream and cry as little by little his skin started to melt. A textbox popped up saying "See what you have done? " Mario started screaming louder, yelling and crying. "Why?... WHYYYYYYY?!," Mario screamed with pain and agony.
My brother ripped the game out and chucked it at a wall, breaking the CD into little pieces. The downloads on the computer finished. I looked at the screen and it read, "666 download complete." I closed every window and a picture popped up showing Mario with red eyes and a scary smile. A text below the picture read "I'm coming." I saw the note in the game box. I grabbed it and it wasn't in a foreign language anymore. It read "I'm coming."

Chapter 9:Hotel Mario The 13th hotel

[I thought it was going to be a normal day... I was just dumping the Hotel Mario's source for future uses, but I never expected... I'd find that...
One of the files dumped was a level, the 13th Hotel, which had an unique cutscene. I was so excited to test it, I used my emulator to play it the quickest as possible. The opening cutscene begun: It was the original intro, but Mario was alone. There was a really creepy music in the background. The next scene was the place where Bowser was suposed to stay, but he was not there. Instead, his right hand was still over the rock, but bleeding. In his place, there was what looked like a huge stack of metal, bleeding. I was utterly scared at that point. The next scene was the place where Mario and Luigi walks talking about the picnic, but noe one was there, not even Mario. That huge red mushroom which was suposed to be there was broken, and there was blood. The skies were gray all the time. Mario reached the front door of the kingdom. The board was blank, with huge marks of claws and blood. Mario didn't say nothing, just picked up the letter. The next scene was really unsettling. It was Mario in close up, reading the letter. His eyes were completely black, and the skies changed. Mario was talking in a kind of demonic enchant. In the next scene, I was shocked. He looked to Luigi, who was dead in a iron stack, and said some glitched noises. Mario kept looking at Luigi with an amused glare at the eyes for around 8 seconds. The next scene was the "Condemned" board. But instead, it was written "YOU ARE Condemned", there were claws marks and lots of blood around the bricks and over the soil. Mario comes up, faceless, with white and black clothes, holding his bread box, which was blank. The background was some sort of red board of demons. Two messages blinked in a frame in the bread box: "13th Hotel" and "HELP ME". The next scene was the princess waving over the pipe, she kept doing that, with the scene blinking sometimes. Then, suddenly, she disappeared, and there was blood over that pipe. Mario came up, with a messed up red color with a hellish style, with static in the BG, saying more demonic talking, in whispers. Then, Ludwig's ruined castle appeared. The scene was looking abandoned, with mist around the place. Mario appeared again, pointing up, like in the final frame of the Intro, but his eyes were black, the BG was different and it was glitching up. For a short moment, he had red pupils facing me. Next scene: Mario walked like in the Toast cutscene, it was completely black, all what was there was the dead Luigi. Mario stayed like that for a few seconds, and then, a closeup. His right eye was popped and hanging out of the place, and he was stabbed on the belly. A demonic voice said "MARIO IS DONE FOR", and static came up. My game froze. (Note to see the video it is on this site go to the real authors typing of which is titled Hotel Mario:The 13th Hotel)

Chapter 10: I HATE YOU

This isn't one of those "Haunted Game" stories. At no point are you going to hear me claim something within the game spoke to me, reacted to my words, or forced me to punch myself repeatedly in the face.
No, this isn't about a haunted game or a game doing something impossible or even something it shouldn't have.
This isn't about a glitch or a hidden Satanic message and at no time did I phone Nintendo Headquarters only to have my questions answered with hushed whispers or anguished screams.
This story is about a game feature I don't think anyone else has unlocked.
That's it.
No ghosts. No conspiracies. Just a secret we were all supposed to find, but never did. Something that changes an entire generation's childhood and the very essence of a multi-million (billion?) dollar franchise.
This is about what I assume to be a previously undiscovered alternate ending of Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo.
In 1996, I received my first computer as a birthday gift. I'd been on the internet before, had used computers before, but it had always been in school or at a friend's house.
This one was mine. All mine. I explored the crude, pre-historic web of the time with great interest - I downloaded all sorts of pornography and even printed it out, which made absolutely no sense.
I also pirated media like a madman. Music, games, anything.
This was where I first discovered Mario World. I'd never had a Super Nintendo as a little kid, so it was all new to me. I'd downloaded tons of games along with the SNES Emulator, but Mario World was my favorite.
For over a decade, the same Mario World ROM was my time-wasting hobby. I played it over and over again, beating the game faster and faster until I began to lazily explore the worlds with no particular purpose.
Game Genie codes helped immensely. I could turn off the timer and re-live a particularly entertaining map for an hour as I waited for a download or any number of boring events.
It was in this manner that I must've beaten and re-beaten the game thousands upon thousands of times.
There was comfort in the obsessive-compulsive behavior of this routine... but all of that was shattered when I saw the Blind Boo.
The Blind Boo, as I referred to it, was hovering over the exit from the haunted "Sunken Ship" level later on in the game.
I call it blind because it actually had no visible eyes. It was like someone had made a lazy ROM hack... but I knew from years upon years of experience that this was a normal game.
The Blind Boo just hung there over the exit pipe... blocking it. I turned my back on it, but it didn't chase me.
How could it? It didn't even SEE me.
Then, I noticed something else out of sorts...
There was a Key and Keyhole misplaced above the exit. Keys and Keyholes as such are ways of ending a level in an alternate manner and discovering a secret area.
Still, this didn't belong there and I knew it. For a moment, I considered the fact I'd actually BROKEN a ROM file from over-use!
After taking a screenshot specifically to show all of you Mario Bros. fans out there, I picked up the key and opened the "door", figuring the game would seize up and I'd have to restart.
Instead, it opened up a new path on the map selection screen:
A whirlpool next to Bowser's already creepy head-cave-thing.
I pressed the right arrow and moved onto the whirling drain...
"Oh God No"
This didn't really strike me as odd, because if you're familiar with the Mario World game, there's an area called Star Road that you may note has similar names.
Just stuff like "Tubular" and "Awesome" and all manner of dumb words and phrases. Most of the areas were called "Vanilla Forest 1" and "Donut Mountain 3" and all that, but there WERE maps with odd names like that.
What did concern me, though, was Mario's expression. Surprise? Shock? Fear?
I entered the map.
Oddly enough, the whirlpool in the middle of a lake began with the standard "Castle" entry animation. Mario walked up to a castle door, looked up, then went in.
I could tell it was under water, though, because of the bubbles that periodically emerged from the sprite's mouth and floated to the top of the screen.
Inside the castle, it started to look more and more like I was in fact experiencing a glitch...
There was no room to jump. No room to do anything but run left and right. I must've gone right for ten to twenty minutes, just holding the B-button and running along at full speed.
After a while I ran into one or two Blind Boos in the darkness above. Then three or four... then the screen was full of them.
Now I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this map was designed specifically to screw with the player. Not because the giant "Bleeding Bill" was hemorrhaging profusely from its face, but because it was INESCAPABLE.
There was literally no way to avoid being killed by it, as you can clearly see above.
I let the Bleeding Bill chase me for a while when I was invincible, just to get a good LOOK at the thing. I stopped, and killed it with my invulnerable touch, only when I saw a message that hadn't been there when I'd passed before.
THAT kind of creeped me out. But on the other hand it was kind of interesting because it meant this was definitely a map that was supposed to exist. There was some sort of plot element, here. Something undiscovered.
What did it mean? WHO hated me? King Koopa seemed the obvious answer. Or maybe just the ghosts. When you're in a Haunted Castle that you found by way of a Haunted Ship, a bloody-looking hate message isn't so unbelievable.
I saw it again as I approached some Giant Boos...
I was thankful that the Blind Boos ended at this point, because the more I watched them shudder, the uneasier I felt... almost empathetic toward them, etc.
The thankfulness ended when I turned my back on the Giant Boos and this happened...
Giant Boos with faces I hadn't seen before. They always looked MAD at being awakened, angry that you were invading their haunted houses across the Mario World Island. This was different, and they looked gleeful. Demented.
I could see right down their throats, which seemed odd given the lack of detail their mouths usually displayed.
And yes, of COURSE I'm going to address that message you saw in the picture. "WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!"
... I don't know why. Am I supposed to? Who's asking??
I let the Giant Boos touch me, and they died like the Bleeding Bills, of which I had encountered two. Despite any attempt to SCARE the player, I knew that being invincible meant INVINCIBLE no matter what they threw at me.
After a while of running down this strange claustrophobic corridor with no more eventful happenings, I came to a room with an exit pipe. Taking the pipe downward, I came out the other end and dropped into a room filled with water.
The water made sense, this being a sunken castle beneath a whirlpool and all...
I was rewarded for my troubles with a question mark block that released a mushroom for me. I could've easily done this with a cheat code, but the thought had escaped me as I faced all these new and strange sights.
The first creatures I encountered in the underwater portion of the castle where Thwomps. Unless you've been living under a rock since the mid-80s, you know Thwomps are stone-like square creatures that hang from the ceiling and fall whenever you come near. They try to crush you, essentially.
Well these Thwomps, lined up in a tight row, dropped repeatedly and randomly with no real trigger or any sense of logic. They would just wait or drop whenever they seemed to feel like it.
It also looked like these Thwomps had been very successful Thwomps...
More cartoony blood. This was getting pretty unusual for the Mario Bros. franchise, which I hadn't recalled seeing BLOOD in at all. Now I'd seen it used three times. The Bloody Bills, the messages, and these perpetually smashing, grinding Thwomps who were working their victims (who?) into pulp... forever.
In the hampering effects of the water, I walked slowly under these things, making sure every single one touched me and DIED. There were almost thirty of them in a row.
The sight of them mindlessly crushing over and over again just made me hate them with an unsettling intensity.
What's weird is that the blood caused Mario to slide as if he were on an ice level.
After walking through that gauntlet of depravity, I swam into a more open area that was filled with spikes on the floor and ceiling.
It was difficult to swim in this manner without touching the spikes, but since I was still invincible I didn't think much of it. I avoided them more for fun than out of any sense I'd be damaged.
It stopped being "fun" really fast, though.
Now I knew some of what was going on. The bloody mess the Thwomps were unendingly spattering? It was other Marios. Past Marios that had tried to traverse this level and failed.
I had to admit this was an excellent touch, even if it was a bit ghoulish. Whoever had designed the map actually broke the fourth wall and showed you the bloated, motionless abortions of the player's own careless treatment of Mario's tiny life.
The bodies only floated straight up and down a tiny bit, as if to show the effects of a light current.
It was genius, and I couldn't believe I MIGHT be the first and only person to ever see this.
I toyed with the idea of taking more than the one screenshot I just presented to you, basically so all of you reading this could enjoy the secret map as much as I had, especially this weird little touch...
Without swimming... without kicking or moving in any way... the Dead Marios started to come at me like torpedoes. Their faces remained blank and blue and... dead... but they moved with astounding speed.
They angled and positioned and worked all sorts of unique trajectories that left me almost nowhere to move. They continued coming at me and swarming and backing up to try again, and... I just couldn't bring myself to let them touch me.
I moved with more speed and skill than I'd ever exerted, frantically trying to keep Mario free of the drowning victims that seemed dead set on rocketing straight into him.
When I finally reached the purple exit pipe you see above, there had to be ten of those things right behind, pitching, turning, and chasing me...
I entered the pipe as fast as I could, thankful that it worked properly and had Mario out of that situation in a heartbeat.
The corridor that followed was empty, thankfully. It was just a blue underwater hallway of sorts with nothing to avoid or kill. It was boring and predictable like the game had been all these years, which brought back a sense of safety.
At the end of the hallway I came to the standard pair of doors you'd enter to face a final boss.
Beside the doorway, a mushroom power-up.
I didn't touch that crap!
Going through the door was as you'd expect. The typical change of map views occurred, and Mario was standing on the ubiquitous bridge over boiling lava.
...Or had it been blood all along?
When Mario walked out onto the bridge, however, there WAS no boss creature.
Instead, Mario immediately looked to the side and froze. I couldn't control him anymore. He just stood there.
Keep looking until you see it.
I didn't even see it at first, so I don't expect you to notice it right away. If you still haven't spotted the thing, look in the third window from the left.
FYI - That's not usually there.
Mario seemed to regain his composure and looked back and forth slowly, surveying the room. There was still no boss, and I still couldn't control him, so I stopped trying and just watched.
This went on... and on... for what seemed like forever. Nothing happened.
Then a familiar face walked in from the right.
Dressed in green, tall, and angry.
It was Luigi.
Mario recoiled in horror. It's difficult to say that without thinking how crazy it sounds, but Mario really reeled back with a sort of terror that was uncharacteristic for such a peppy, happy-go-lucky mascot like him.
Then, Luigi spoke,
It was all connecting, now. The messages scrawled on the walls... "I HATE YOU!" and "WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!"
He's always been Mario's second banana, the "Player 2", the one who doesn't get the Princess in these early games. No matter how identical he is to Mario in skillset and ability and tenaciousness and bravery, at the end of the day the game is "Super Mario Brothers", and he's just "the Brother".
How he must've hated Mario... Who among us wouldn't? Think about it. No matter what happens, Mario always comes back. No matter how many corpses he leaves littering the battlefield, he's always there once more to leap and cheer and get all the adoration.
And Koopa hadn't worked alone? I didn't know what that meant at first, if anything, but again you just have to think it through. HOW exactly does King Koopa consistently succeed in kidnapping the Princess?
From day one, from the original Mario Brothers onward, it had always been an inside job.
Still unable to control the character, I watched Mario simply cower in fear as Luigi leapt high into the air... as high as he could in Mario 2, the bastard child of the franchise...
He jumped on the pathetic, weeping Mario again... and again... and again...
I was powerless to stop it.
When he was done, he seemed to look at Mario's limp body with this overwhelming rage...
Then the bridge started to disappear. Soon, Mario would be dead. As I looked on, I had an irrational thought - would in be permanent?
Within an instant, as Luigi turned to seemingly strike a "victory pose" like he'd beaten the level, Mario awkwardly got to his feet and took him by surprise.
Fear and sadness and confusion had given way to anger, and Mario overpowered his brother with little effort.
To this day, I'm still haunted by the final result of his wrathful reprisal...
There was the map's title.
None of this was a glitch, none of it was a mistake. It wasn't a developer getting back at Nintendo and it wasn't a GHOST haunting a Nintendo cartridge.
It was a planned, purposeful part of the Mario Brothers mythos.
If you beat the same level X number of times, a secret part of the world opened, and you learned that from Mario Brothers through Mario Land, Luigi had secretly been working against you and was in fact facilitating the repeated abduction and abuse of the Princess.
But why?
Money? Power? No, it was all there. Because he couldn't take not being the one in the spotlight. Not being Mario himself.
After Luigi died... well and truly died... Mario just sat on the edge of the bridge and wept.
I was forced to watch this for minutes on end before the screen faded to black.
I played the rest of the game through to see if anything changed. Nothing else odd happened, as one would expect since this whole ordeal was just supposed to be part of the actual full story.
I couldn't access the whirlpool again. I'd seen the events once, and that was all I was apparently allowed.
It was back to the game as usual. The same exact game I'd played since the 90s, and would probably continue to play for the rest of my days.
Well, it was the same except for the final image...

Chapter 11: Paper Mario Too Late

To be honest, this isn't one of those stories where I buy an odd copy of a video game on eBay, or something like that, and it turns out to murder everyone. It's quite different. It affects a lot more than you can even imagine, something we still can't understand.
To be honest, this isn't one of those stories where I buy an odd copy of a video game on eBay, or something like that, and it turns out to murder everyone. It's quite different. It affects a lot more than you can even imagine, something we still can't understand.
My name is Andy. Me and my little sister Julie grew up in a little town in Pennsylvania. When I was 5, and she was 3, we picked up a copy of Paper Mario from Gamestop. No, there was nothing wrong with the game. We played the game and had beaten it so many times we knew everything about it.
School just started for me, and i really didn't want to go. But my mother made me do it anyway. On the bus to school, I met a girl named Audrey. She was really nice, and shared some of the same qualities that I had. She mentioned the game, and I smiled excitedly, telling her about how I play it so much! We instantly became friends.
It was like that all the way through Elementary School, we passed by in the hall, saying "Hello!" to eachother, or other quick greetings. But the topic that kept coming up when we spoke was Paper Mario. It's like that game was linking us.
Audrey and I got into a fight the next week over some dumb game that we didn't know who won, and I didn't talk to her for quite a while. It made me feel mad, but sad at the same time. When I came home, I took the Paper Mario game, the game that linked us, and threw it outside my window in anger and sadness. I never went to go get it for a long time.
We forgot about the silly game for a long couple years, until my little sister walks up and asks me about it. I didn't want to tell her the truth about what happened, so I told her I lost it. She frowned, and continued back to her room. It was then that all the memories that I had of Audrey came back. All of our conversation, our fun times at recess, I wanted it all back. So I put on my shoes, and ventured outside to look for the old cartridge.
I looked around the area outside my window, but it wasn't anywhere to be found. Could someone have stolen it? Could an animal have taken it? Who knows. My memories were important, so i still trekked on. I then came upon the old cartridge buried in a pile of leaves in some trees a few yards away. There was a mark on the front, but i figured it was weather damage.
I was so excited to see the cartridge again. I ran faster than I had in years back to the house, and put it in the slot. I turned on the game, and saw a save file that was right before Bowser. I remember this save file! I put on all my old badges, and headed up to the bridge where Bowser is. Right when the bridge disappeared, the music stopped. Bowser just stared at me with a blank expression.
He then said:
"You finally made it. After all these years, leaving us in the dust, only to come back and see us again, without a word."
A battle started, Bowser bigger than ever. He was very glitchy, and said:
"You should have won before you threw us out!"
The game stopped for a moment, and Bowser, Mario, and all of his partners were hit for 99. They fell. Instead of the GAME OVER screen, the end credits played, with the parade. The music was at a slower and more demonic pitch. Everyone that marched looked sad, as they're saying: "You've abandoned us, but why?"
It took roughly 15 minutes, but finally when Mario and Peach's float came, they walked down and went to Mario's house. It was pitch black. No stars at all, it was as if even the star spirits had left them. They looked at the fireworks, that spelled out
Then, I tried to turn off the game, like any sane person would do, but then the screen did an intense zoom in on Mario, with eyes blood red, saying, "TOO LATE." It did this every time I tried to stop whatever was happening.
They walked into Mario's house, but the camera did not follow. Peach then said,
"Mario, what are you doing? STOP!!!"
Loud crashing noises were heard throughout the house.
Then I heard it. Mario actually spoke. For the first time ever. He said.
"I am only doing this for your own good. Blame Andy."
I freaked out, and tried to turn it off, and the "TOO LATE" got even louder, and all the power in my house shut off, except for the game. My friend Jack messages me, saying, "Everyone's power is going out, and the sky is perfectly clear. The electric company is getting complaints, but it's not their fault. What's happening?"
I faked like I didn't know, as if he would believe me anyway.
But our town was in danger, that was all I knew. The only thing I could do was apologize.
I figured something was possessing the game, so I said, "Mario?" Mario stares into my eyes with his demonic grin. "WHAT IS IT?"
"I... I'm sorry for throwing you out."
My controller instantly sends shocks through my body, and I wake up in a hospital in what feels like a few minutes later. I ask the nurse how long i was incapacitated. She replies, "About a week! We were worried about you!" A whole week? This could not be. I checked the calendar on the wall in the doctor's office. June 10th. I guess they were right.
I sure am lucky to be alive, that game could have killed me.

Chapter 12: I'm Here A story

(note I,the guy who started this, Gavin0910 wrote this)
Part 1 I'm Here:
I bought a door which was a brand new one, I brought it home, I put the door where I wanted it, and went to the store to buy blue paint. When I got home the door was already painted blue but inside it was painted blue with a paper nailed onto it saying "I am here daddy, remember me? I'm home".
Part 2 Daddy I'm Stuck:
It also had a hold in it that wasn't even there, before I left enough to find my daughter that ran away. A note was left by the hole, and it said "She is down there".
Part 3 I'm Calling For You:
I called 911 and told them that she is my daughter that ran away. She returned and was pushed. The reply from the phone was: "We're coming, but was there any clues?"
"A note was on my new door, from my daughter, and a note NOT from my daughter near a hole saying she was pushed." Then someone knocked on the door. It was the cops.
Part 4 Screams And Pulls:
The cops were pulled and were screaming to death. My daughter then came up, but everything wasn't right though, since some bodies were in the wall. Nothing else wrong was happening after this, however.